Friday 24 October 2014

Film Shoot Journal #4 - Friday 24th October

Originally, we expected to finish shooting on Sunday 12 October because it was the last day on the production schedule. However, after we uploaded the footage from our camera to Final Cut Pro, we reviewed it and came to the conclusion that we could make it better and more aligned with our vision of what we wanted the final music video product to be like. Therefore, we asked our teacher for an extension on the production and he gave us the green light and redistributed the equipment (camera & tripod) we needed. Before this though we had already planned how to best make use of our reshoot time and believe that the improvements will be evident in the final edit.

First off, we had the filming equipment on hand, but we still needed to get the instruments for our imitation of the band.

So as we were getting those, Shane made his way to his house to prepare his dining room to look like a pub-like environment that would suit our needs. This turned out to be much better than the previous location of the theatre workshop at our school because though it was more convenient for us, it did not look as authentic. 
L to R - The first shoot compared to the re-shoot
There was better lighting and better access to more realistic props which overall led to the atmosphere we wanted 

The other major improvement we accomplished was that we got our lead actor Adrian to lip sync for the music video. Initially, we dismissed the idea because we were going to break the typical conventions of rock music videos and make it more narrative based. Although based on some peer feedback we got from our rough cut edit, it made more sense to include lip syncing even if it would be for a little while to please our audience.

Setting up for production

Taro is watching the actual music video of the Creed's Cross song we are making the video for as inspiration for any new shots we might have wanted to incorporate. 
Whilst Adrian is memorising and rehearsing the lyrics to the song. 

We made use of Shane's speaker to play the actual song so the timing for the lip syncing would be easier for Adrian. Also, Taro held up the lyrics for Adrian to see so not only would he know the words, but also so that he would look directly at the camera whilst I was filming him.

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