Sunday 28 September 2014

Shot Lists

Since the storyboard was a first draft and we are still incorporating more ideas for various shots, the images and descriptions below will not be entirely accurate until the final draft is drawn.

The first shot will be a close-up of an Irish flag.
Up until the second shot where the protagonist is walking down a street, no music is heard until now.
A close-up/mid shot of the protagonist is shown playing music.

A long/establishing shot of a boat sailing down a river to link with the boat horn at the beginning and also the lyrics which talk about how people went looking for jobs abroad. 

A wide shot portraying a decrepit kitchen/living room in which a mother and her child are left "all alone" in low key lighting. 

Medium side profile shots of 3 men which are cross-cut together to show that they are on the same path trying to achieve the same thing. In filming this shot we hope to accomplish something similar to what the 'Beatles' did for one of their album covers with a zebra crossing at Abbey Road - contextual reference.
A close up of a drain in the decrepit household fades into a graphic match shot of a vent on the street. Money is being thrown next to the busker whom we can see when the camera pans upwards to the guitar.

The previous shot of the busker playing a guitar transitions into a guitar being played by the band. This then cuts to a wide shot of the band playing instruments around a table with beer on it. There will be more shots including close ups of the individuals, other instruments and props on the table. 

A wide shot of a man rushing for the train. 

Another wide shot of a departing train with a man who has just gotten off. 

One long continuous shot of the 3 people earlier at the docks disappearing "One by One".

Music video fades to black and the production company name will appear.

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